Our TSM Scores 23-24

More than 500+ randomly selected customers were asked to complete our Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey by phone or online.

Your home is the most important place, and you should expect Freebridge to ensure it is safe, up to standard and that you have a voice in the services you receive.

Based on the first Tenant Satisfaction Survey results and in collaboration with your Customer Ambassadors and Service Champions, we've identified and begun implementing some changes.

Here’s what we’ve done so far as a result of the myFreebridge focus groups, workshops, and consultations:

•          Launched the Repairs Survey: After every repair, we collect your feedback to find areas for improvement.

•          Working towards improving repairs to your home: We introduced a new Repairs Scheduling System and partnered with Travis Perkins on a plant, waste and materials service to enhance efficiencies.

•          Enhanced Reception Experience: We now have an “On-Duty” team to aid the receptionist in resolving your queries promptly.

•          Piloted an ASB Roadshow: This initiative informs customers on how Freebridge and third parties can support you in addressing anti-social behaviour (ASB).  We are now running a roadshow in August visiting Downham Market, Hunstanton & Kings Lynn.

Now the myFreebridge Team is focusing on:

•          Customer satisfaction with Freebridge’s complaint handling.

•          Customer satisfaction with the overall repair service.

•          Customer satisfaction with how Freebridge listens to and acts on tenant views.

In the first quarter their focus has been on improving repair quality and communication processes.

We'll update you on our progress next year!

Our Performance

Below show's the latest quarters results for our performance.

Our Performance for Quarter 3 (October - December 2023)


Complaints received

Our monthly average is 32


Repairs completed

And that makes 19,138 repairs completed year to date (Q1 - Q3)

35 Days

Average time taken to complete routine repairs

Our target is 28 days.


Gained no access

We gained no access on 362 of our properties that we haven't previously been able to access.


New homes

This is the amount of homes we began construction on in this quarter.

Our Monthly Performance is currently unavailable to view

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